Monday, April 1, 2013

No April episode (sad face)

Hello faithful Vs. Fans, Peat Ski here. So, one half of the Vs. Podcast studio just moved to fancy new digs. Which is good, because it means one of our hosts has his own dedicated space and is no longer sharing a room with a hamper full of dirty socks. The other host is still hanging out with the socks, but that's by his own choice. Anyway, that's the good news. The bad news is, because moving the studio was just the happy by-product of a larger overall apartment change, we were unable to record a new episode for April. Our apologies! A thousand times our apologies. One million years dungeon.

There will be a brand new episode on May 6th, as we do our first villain-against-villain episode. In June we begin our summer movie season by having Iron Man square off with a mystery opponent. And following that, we'll do our first fan request episode. Speaking of which, we take fan requests! Leave your fight ideas in the comments section or email them to

In the meantime, might I recommend giving Episode 17 a listen? I feel like it didn't get the love it deserved, since I decided to name the episode like I was naming a bad 90's pop-punk band instead of calling it "Robocop vs. Zombies." It's easily one of my favorite episodes, if for no other reason than revealing my fetish for green-skinned women. And since it's really three episodes in one, it's as if you're not missing anything this month at all!

As always, thanks for listening and keep your knuckles wrapped.

Peat Ski


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