As the great literary character Godot once said, "Better late than never, eh fellas?" What, he didn't say that? Well, aren't you Mr. Smarty-pants English major huh? You know what he DID say? Shut up, that's what.
Anyway, as you may have noticed, the Vs. Podcast has been on an unofficial hiatus. Technically, since we only upload a new episode once a month, we're not that far behind. But still, it's been awhile. This is because of a few things. One, we did two episodes in really quick succession, with Brock Samson vs. Black Dynamite being researched, recorded and released in a particularly short period of time. After such a burst of activity, the hosts were understandably drained and fell into a slothful pattern of inactivity. Like a toddler after a sugar high, they needed to be put to bed before they got cranky and drew on the walls.
The other reason for the delay is a failed transition to a new website. We were on the verge of moving the podcast to a new home, one that would take some things out of Peat Ski's untalented hands (web design, image creation) leaving both he and Pyg free to concentrate on the stuff they do a passably good job at, like researching and being clever. Unfortunately, at the 11th hour this move fell through and spent some time in limbo. The situation is still in limbo, but rather than do nothing while waiting, we've decided to move forward and start posting new episodes here.
So, there's a new episode going up tonight, The Goon vs. The Crow, which was recorded pre-Halloween. That's why there's a few forced mentions of the holiday and being spooky in the episode, which sound a little dated. If you'd like, you can wait until next year and listen to it before Halloween 2013 (ed. note: Do not do that. Listen to it now, please). And next month is the one-year anniversary of the podcast going live, so there will be a special episode for that. Spoiler alert- It's about zombies.
Thanks for your patience and your listenershipness, and we look forward to another year of nonsense, petty arguments and unnecessary cheap shots.
Peat Ski, J. Pygmaelion Pigula, and the rest of the Vs. Team.
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