Saturday, August 18, 2012

Black Dynamite vs. Brock Samson

Episode 14, wherein our hosts duck and cover.


Last Sunday, Adult Swim put out the question - Brock Samson vs. Black Dynamite. Who wins? And that's right up our dark alley here at the Vs. Podcast. Because AS is announcing the winner tomorrow night, we went into emergency mode and put together a (surprisingly) coherent episode in record time.

Brock Samson, OSI agent and bodyguard of the Venture family. The blonde Swedish murder machine with the honky hair. He's like the boogeyman of the villain world, an unstoppable killing machine with an unquenchable blood lust. Also perhaps the toughest Led Zeppelin fan in the world.

Black Dynamite, the most bad-ass mutha on the street. A stone-cold pimp with a flair for kung fu and straight up violence. There ain't a man alive badder than this man, no one quicker with a set of nunchuks or a grappling hook. He'll kick your teeth in with a smile - not that you can tell when he's smilin'.

This is the Adult Swim war to settle the score. Unless Carl from the Aquateens plans on becoming a secret agent, there's no one on the Sunday night block badder than these two. And with Peat Ski championing Black Dynamite and Pyg fighting for Brock Samson, we will have a winner after this episode.

Hey Adult Swim - it was our pleasure.


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