Monday, August 6, 2012

Batman vs. Spider-man

Episode 13, wherein our hosts break out the dreaded "my name is so-and-so" voice of derision.

Summer movie season comes to a (heat-related pun) conclusion with the clash of two of the highest grossing individual superheroes of all time, represented by our mudslinging, poo-flinging hosts. The Amazing Spider-man marked the Tobey Maguire deficient return to cinema glory for everyone's favorite webslinger. The Dark Knight Rises concluded Christopher Nolan's grim and gritty Batman saga. One ending, one beginning, two powerful characters.

Peat Ski returns to his happy place and champions Batman. As a devoted Bat-mennonite, Peat will stop at nothing to redeem his embarrassing loss to the Incredible Hulk waaaaaaay back in episode 1. Pyg dons the webs of Spider-man, the wise-cracking hero of the average Joe and aims to puncture the proverbial stuffed shirt of the hoity-toity dark knight.

We'll level with you: this episode goes to some odd places. We blame the relentlessly grim tone of the Dark Knight Rises for the unusually aggressive turn one of our hosts takes. But there's still a lot of laughs and a damn good argument in this episode.

And remember, you only have until midnight on August 20th to vote for next month's episode. So vote or die! Or vote and then die and then have the Mafia use your dead name to commit voter fraud.


  1. For those of you who are suffering from a complete lack of on-browser listening, please feel free to download a copy of our latest episode here.
