Episode 12, wherein our hosts get in touch with their feminine sides ... using harsh words and sharp objects.
Summer movie season takes a backseat this episode as center stage is handed to blockbuster stars of movies past. That's good, though. Too much is made of immediacy these days. No one stops to think about the great films of bygone years. Like next month's episode, when we debate whether or not Citizen Kane could take Charlie Chaplin's Tramp in a fight. What? We're not doing that? But we spent so much time figuring out the THAC0 for Rosebud! Well, since we're not doing that, how about an actual fight?
The Bride aka Beatrix Kiddo (2004 called - spoiler alert!) is a one-woman army of sheer bloody vengeance. With a mastery of several styles of martial arts and a samurai sword without peer, she's pretty much the gold standard as far as assassins go. And with that yellow jumpsuit, she's also unmatched in her sense of style.
Katniss Everdeen, the teenage protagonist of the Hunger Games trilogy, is cut from a different cloth. She wins her battles with an iron will, a knack for survival and a trusty bow and arrow. She's incredibly difficult to find, let alone kill, like a cockroach Robin Hood. Incidentally, if you know how to kill one of those, call Pyg. He'll appreciate it.
Peat represents the Bride in this fight, which is astonishing since he only just watched the Kill Bill movies two weeks ago. He was busy rewatching Austin Powers, if you must know. Pyg, who has recently come out as a 14 year girl, has read all of the Hunger Games books and is armed with an encyclopedic knowledge of Panem and Tracker Jackers and Narnia and Quidditch. Those are all in the Hunger Games, right? One thing is for certain - that nothing will be certain in this fight! Yeah, that was a bad cliche, we know. Plenty more where that came from!
I think this fight would definitely swing the other way given the training scene in the Catching Fire film. Katniss slaughters 7 or 8 projected characters in rapid succession, even though those projections are moving and attacking.