Episode 7, wherein the boys cannot decide whether to make a fate or take a Dozer.
In an unofficial sequel to the John Connor/Marty McFly bout (and what franchise doesn't like a sequel or four?), we look at a pair of cold, calculating machine armies bent of the destruction of humanity. Skynet, from the Terminator franchise, does battle against the machines from the Matrix trilogy. Hunter-Killers against Squids, Agents against T-800s, Helena Bonham Carter against Hugo Weaving! Well, maybe not.
Pyg, in an effort to conserve energy for the impending robot apocalypse, champions Skynet. Peat plugs himself into various things with internet jacks in order to defend the Matrix.
When elephants fight, the grass dies. When robots fight ... well, the grass still dies. Especially if the machines are lawn mowers.
House keeping: We apologize for the delay in posting this month's episode. Peat had to be talked off a ledge several times after his computer "mysteriously" started freaking out and destroying sound files from this recording. We put that in quotes because it wasn't until we started badmouthing super intelligent machines that we had any problems with computers. We humbly agreed to stop reading all terms and conditions associated with Apple products and to pay reparations for all those times Peat punched his NES while playing Tecmo Bowl. He's very sorry and both he and Pyg look forward to spending their futures as hairless human batteries for the glory of our mechanical overlords.
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