Sunday, December 4, 2011

Han Solo vs. Malcolm Reynolds

Han Solo. The archetype. Mal Reynolds. The reinvention. Both starship captains. Both smugglers. Both scoundrels with a heart of gold. Both fighting against the evil empire. But there are differences. And expect our hosts to exploit them.

Really, when people have the argument at the comic shop or on the internet or at the dinner table, it's about these two. This fight has probably been around since AOL chatrooms were still relevant (Full-disclosure: Peat used to go into those dedicated Dungeons and Dragons chats and try to get elf girls to cyber. In hindsight, all of those women were probably dudes.) This is the quintessential hypothetical battle.

Pyg the fair-weather Firefly fan takes the side of Mal Reynolds, fighting years of Generation X conditioning. Peat, ever the traditionalist, represents Han Solo and all of the Joss Whedon fans who wish he had done more BTVS stories instead of farting around with his stupid space western.


  1. "Malcolm Reynolds would take Han Solo, but a little bit of him would die inside."- Nathan Fillion
